Motherhood is a full-time job—we all know that. But did you know that moms make natural entrepreneurs? The skills and qualities you need as a mom are the same ones needed to be successful in business, so why not make the leap and turn your passion into a profitable venture? Let's take a look at how moms have magical powers when it comes to being an entrepreneur.
Negotiation Skills
Mothers are naturally great negotiators. When your toddler throws a fit in the grocery store because they want candy, what do you do? You negotiate! You offer them healthy snacks and explain why candy won't help them grow big and strong. Or maybe you just give them one piece of candy for being so good today. Whatever the situation may be, moms know how to use negotiation tactics to get their way without compromising themselves or their values. That's an important skill to have when running a business, especially when it comes to pricing, contracts, and more.
Moms are experts at multi-tasking; it’s basically second nature for us! We can fill out forms while helping with homework, answer emails in between cooking dinner, plan birthday parties while folding laundry…you get the idea. In business, multitasking is essential for success—you have to juggle multiple tasks at once if you want your business to move forward. And fortunately for us mamas, we already have this skill mastered!
Making Magic Happen
Moms are also masters of making magic happen with very little resources available. From turning old clothes into Halloween costumes or throwing together a delicious meal from whatever is left in the pantry—moms make things work no matter what! This “making magic happen” mindset is useful for any small business owner too; we can turn limited resources into something special that our customers will love and appreciate.
Overall, moms have an incredible set of skills that come naturally which makes them perfect candidates for entrepreneurship. Negotiation skills, multitasking ability, and making magic happen with limited resources are just some of the many amazing qualities that mompreneurs possess which help them succeed in business.
So if you're looking to start your own small business venture but feel like something's missing…chances are all you need is some mom magic!! And if you need a little bit of help too, let’s chat. Helping moms become successful mompreneurs is my favourite thing to do.