As Mompreneurs, we have a lot on our plate. Not only do we have to keep small humans alive and raise functional adults, we have to nurture our growing businesses and tend to clients. Juggling motherhood and a business can be overwhelming, and often self-care is the last thing on your mind.
When we hear the term self-care for mothers, we think of indulgent spas, relaxing baths, and luxury treatments. However, the reality is that moms sacrifice so many aspects of very basic self-care both physically and mentally while caring for their kids and running their business. We often neglect the most fundamental activities that others enjoy seamlessly, such as taking a shower or enjoying a meal. In this blog post, we'll explore the true meaning of self-care for mompreneurs, the basic ways it can benefit you, and my tips for fitting it in to an already jam-packed life.
Time to Shower
If I’m being honest, I suck at this one. With so many things to juggle in a day, and taking a shower is often a luxury far from my mind. It’s not that I don’t know I need one, I do. There are just too many other things that need to be done. That being said, taking a shower in peace and quiet is an excellent way to relax and start your day feeling refreshed and more energized. It is essential to prioritize taking a shower or having a long bath at least once a week where you have the time to decompress and relax. One solution that works for me, is finding someone to take my kids to school once a week, I can return the favour if it’s another mom. Having someone else take my kids to school frees up at least half an hour in the morning that I use to fit in a nice long shower!
Time to Decompress, Breathe, Slow Down
For me, this involves meditating, but that doesn’t have to be what it looks like for you. As busy Mompreneurs we are continually running from one thing to another, keeping to the schedule, making sure everyone's needs are met while juggling many plates in the air. Taking a few minutes to decompress, breathe and slow down can make a real difference to our mental health. Whether it's sitting in silence for five minutes, taking a walk around the block or doing a few stretches, these small daily acts of mindfulness can have a significant impact on your mind, body, and soul.
Enjoying a Meal, Not Just Eating Food
As busy moms, we are so used to eating while multitasking, whether it's in the car, at our desks, or between meetings. However, it is essential to take the time to enjoy a meal, savoring the flavors and textures while avoiding distractions. Sometimes I swap out “enjoy a meal” for hide and enjoy some chocolate covered almonds, but the concept is the same. Make times to actually engage in eating something, even if it's just for 5-10 minutes a day. It might seem like a weird “self-care” thing. Eating food is a survival necessity, and mindful eating tells our subconscious we are safe, shutting down our fight or flight response if only for a minute. It can make a world of difference.
Taking Time to do Something you LOVE to Do!!
How many of us have activities we loved to do, once upon a time? It seems like a distant memory, the days of having hobbies we actually did. Doing the things we love and enjoy can be a great form of self-care and can help us relax and unwind. It stimulates different parts of the brain, promotes the release of happy hormones, and engages our creative and playful side. Set aside at least 30 minutes a week to engage in a loved activity that provides you with joy and relaxation. My pro tip for fitting this in – Friday night Pizza & Movie Night.
Self-care for us mompreneurs doesn’t always involve luxurious massages and indulgent spa treatments. Instead, it's about doing the basic things that we often forget while managing our busy lives. At the end of the day, it IS crucial to prioritize yourself and take the time to relax and decompress. Remember that cliché saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup”? Turns out it’s true, self-care is not a luxury; it's a necessity. Make a conscious effort to do at least one thing for yourself every day, and you'll start feeling more fulfilled, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle the challenges ahead. You deserve it!